Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Response to Nicole's Stem cell post

I am actually really interested in this post made by Nicole on stem cell research and development. I feel like the whole concept of stem cells is really intriguing and can easily be argued, especially since the main source of stem cells is actually from embryonic cells from fetuses (by the way, I thought the plural of fetus was feti the first time I looked at it…just thought I should add that). This can definitely be a problem since it forces one to choose whether they would want to kill a living thing in order to save another. This can definitely be an issue because it changes the position from a scientific one to a more moral stance which can tug on one’s heartstrings. The two links posted were very much like the ones I posted in that one was more compelling in their argument than the other. Ironically enough, it was also the pro side that was more compelling. The reason was also the same: both of the pro arguments not only provided strong points that added to their argument but also added counter arguments that were properly refuted and explained. This allowed for a more convincing claim overall as well as more legitimate website/blog in general. In addition, the other website that was posted was also one-sided and tried to use a fear tactic in order to scare, as well as sadden, people into supporting their side instead of trying to provide facts to support their argument. So all in all, I do have to agree with what Nicole had to say about the links she posted as well as her overall opinion on the topic overall.

Ethics and medicine: Abortion

No matter who you talk to in the united states, they will have an opinion on abortion. This is just another one of those hot topics that never seem to be solved and keeps floating around in almost every political argument between liberals and conservatives. My personal opinion is that abortion should not be a legal matter, and that it is up to the woman themselves if their baby should be aborted or not. It doesn’t matter whether someone else thinks it is not the right thing to do, it is only the decision of the mother alone. However, many argue that this is considered murder and that this is not only an act against the law, but also Christianity as well.
The counterargument above is discussed in this pro-abortion blog (http://www.allaboutpopularissues.org/pro-abortion.htm). Although the last argument I stated was anti-abortion, this blog actually addresses the arguments against their position and is able to refute them properly. This blog mainly argues what I stated above with a few more arguments on peoples’ rights in general. Although this blog is one-sided, it does focus on the counterarguments and refutes them pretty well.
Another website I found was http://www.nrlc.org/, which mainly focused on the problems that can occur with abortion and had many arguments against it. Although this website is an organization website, I feel like it was less legitimate than the last website. This website I found was mainly one-sided and made me feel like there were not even counterarguments available. This website could have had a stronger stance if it added not only a few rebuttals, but also become less extreme than it is right now. Although this could have been just my personal bias since I am pro-abortion.