Monday, November 22, 2010

"Imagining the tenth dimensions" youtube video

So I asked my friends what was a youtube video that could “ describe a complex topic in an accessible way” and immediately got the response “DUDE, check this video out. It will blow your mind!” I do have to say, after looking at this video, it really did blow my mind. This video on the description of the 10 dimensions not only allowed me to see dimensions in an entirely new way, but also helped with my understanding of the dimensions as a whole. Just by explaining it in a slow and steady speed allowed me to stay with the creator’s logic and understand what he was trying to get at. This video also did a great explanation of how time works and how our past could be changed to create what we want. Now I am able to actually understand what the heck the professor was talking about in back to the future, which is actually a really good accomplishment since I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about in his explanations to Marty. I also like how the creator of this video used visual aids and antidotes to explain what he was talking about since his explanations of how time and space work made completely no sense to me. Although this video only explains the first 6 dimensions thoroughly (the other 4 are on another video titled “Imagining the Tenth Dimension part 2 if 2”), I did think that this aided in my understanding of the topic as a whole and thus this video was defiantly worth the 6 and a half minutes I spent watching it. So I suggest that if you want to view time and space in a completely different way, watch this video.

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