Sunday, October 31, 2010

Response to Jake Ninneman's technorati search

I found Jake’s post about his technorati search aimed at nutrition very interesting. After having just done my own post using technorati, it was interesting to see what other blogs about different topics might contain. What I found was that the types of blogs are basically the same. Looking at both of our blogs, I could see that my not only did many bloggers write between 15 and 30 blogs a month, but that many other bloggers also used a more direct and formal type of writing style. Also, after looking at the blogs that Jake posted, I could also see that many authors of these blogs usually feel like they are speaking to an audience that is well informed about the topic being researched. This was parallel with what I found on my blogs. On top of this, I also saw that many bloggers look at articles from newspapers and articles as well.

It was interesting to read the articles that Jake posted along with his blog. I really enjoyed the one about the benefits of fish and the studies found. A study in this link shed light on the fact that the omega 3 fats found in fish can actually decrease the occurrence of Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The other article that Jake posted was also a little out of ordinary due to its focus on flushing toxins found in different fast foods and processed foods out of your body in order to lose weight. Some of the other articles were interesting as well, but these did seem a little too unusual to actually be practical in everyday life.

All in all, I thought Jake’s post was pretty intriguing. I was very interested to see the similarities and hope that his next paper is a good one.

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