Thursday, October 7, 2010

Organs for sale? post

I believe that the matter of what to do with one’s own body parts is the right of the individual, not the right of the government. If someone wanted to sell their kidney, let them do it; they have to deal with the consequences in the end. I don’t understand what the big problem would be in the first place. People should be able to do what they want to their bodies, even if that means taking a part of it away.
Although I believe this, I do not think that we should just let people sell you their organs off the street. I am not discouraging it, however, I am just saying that I believe that there should be some organized way to do such a process. This system would not only need run by a large medical group, but will need to have background checks on donators for abnormal health issues, blood work done to show that one is healthy when they donate, and some legal connection to the organ trade. Selling of organs could also bring a whole new market on the table. Think of the possibility of trading organs not just nationally, but worldwide. Having the ability to ship a new kidney from England for a transplant in the united states seems like a far away probability, but just thinking of this can lead to its development.
We are a free country, letting our citizens do almost anything they want, when they want. We cannot let the government take away the right to be free on a moral issue. Although I do agree that some things need to be regulated, I do not believe that this means that the right should be stripped from people altogether.

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