Sunday, October 31, 2010

After looking at the NEI Nuclear Notes blog, I have noticed a few major differences that differ between this and my blog. First off, the blogger, Jim Slider, usually goes way more in depth in his topics. He usually uses links to organization websites in order to emphasize the points he tries to get across in the post. Looking at his history, though, I can see a lot of news articles and highly influenced by the writer and are one sided. Also, Slider usually posts at least 2 or 3 times a week, each of these being at least 500 words. However, the amount of posts due vary from the current amount per week to almost 15 or 20 posts a week throughout the blogs creation in 2005. This posts are also much more formal than the type of writing I usually use in my posts.

For my persuasive paper, I have decided to focus on the topic of biofuel. On this note, I looked at blog called Ecofriend as my second blog choice. After looking at some of the posts, although many are not mainly focused on biofuel, I have noticed a few differences in their writing style compared to what I am predicting my writing style will be like for the persuasive paper. The main difference this blog has is that since it is already focused on a biased audience, it doesn’t really need to do a lot of persuasion to convince the readers to swing a particular way. Also, since the blog is catering to a more educated audience, the posts do not do too much background info. This will definitely differ from my in depth paper that I will write for class later in the month.

Altogether, both these blogs differ from my writing method in their style and theme. But this is exactly why they are blogs and not papers.

1 comment:

  1. HERE ARE MY LINKS!!!!! I don't know why they didn't post.
    NEI Nuclear:
